Welcome to 56th FIMFS Annual Convention 2024!

The Federation of Institutions of Marine and Freshwater Sciences, Inc. (FIMFS) is an organization that had metamorphosed from the original five chartered members in 1968 into a 38-member institution . Composed of public and private institutions of higher learning in the Philippines involved in marine and freshwater sciences, the federation is committed in bringing closer partnerships among institutional and individual members. The collegial sharing of research outputs, facilities, resources and expertise is central in its quest for a true partnership.

The FIMFS annual scientific convention is one of its major activities hosted in turns by institution members. Among the 38 FIMFS member institutions in the Philippines, the Davao Oriental State University – Regional Integrated Coastal Resource Management Center  (DOrSU-RIC XI) is to host the 56th FIMFS Annual Convention on October 22-24, 2024.

Our Earth is facing challenges on our water resources with extreme droughts, floods, loss of biodiversity, pollution, and global warming. The greatest challenge in solving the global water crisis is getting people to truly value water. “Our Blue World” aims to connect viewers with the value of water at a personal and cultural level, weaving together emotional, relatable stories that highlight our deep connection to this essential resource.

This 56th FIMFS Annual Convention with the theme of “BLUE HARMONY: Regenerating Our Aquatic Worlds” serves as a venue for exchange and updating of research outputs, as well as a platform for mentoring budding scientists. This event will bring together scientists, researchers, policymakers, environmentalists, and students from around the country to discuss the latest discoveries, innovations, and challenges facing our aquatic ecosystems. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and shared knowledge, we aim to unravel the mysteries of these ecosystems and promote harmony between human activities and the natural world.

The “Blue Harmony: Regenerating Our Aquatic Worlds” is a convention that explores the depths of marine and freshwater sciences, a remarkable journey towards nurturing and safeguarding our aquatic environments and fostering a sustainable future for generations to come.


These objectives will create an impact and productive conference on new learnings, foster collaboration and catalyze positive change in the field of marine and freshwater ecosystems research and conservation.

  1. Promote scientific understanding and facilitate knowledge exchange, share best practices and innovations in the conservation, restoration, regeneration, and sustainable management of marine and freshwater ecosystems;
  2. Foster long-term partnerships, collaboration, networking, and enhance capacity building among participants from diverse stakeholders through building synergies and sustaining collective efforts towards achieving common goals in the field of marine and freshwater  ecosystems research;
  3. Address key challenges and emerging issues such as habitat degradation, pollution, invasive species, climate change and overexploitation of resources;
  4. Generate policy, and management actions with science evidence-based decision-making and policy development to address the challenges on sustainable management of marine and freshwater ecosystems.

Thematic Sessions:

Session 1: Marine-Freshwater Resources Biodiversity: Ecosystems Health, Services, and Sustainability

Examine and explore the dynamics among marine and freshwater ecosystems (studies on watersheds and rivers), land use implications, and interconnectedness from highlands to oceans (H2O), and discuss strategies for conserving/preserving biodiversity and regenerating ecosystem health.

Session 2: Challenges on Marine-Freshwater Ecosystems Plastic/Water Pollution, Climate Change and Resilience

Address the impacts of plastic/water pollution, and climate change on marine and freshwater ecosystems and identify strategies for building resilience and adapting to changing conditions.

Session 3. Technological Advancement and Innovation on Marine-Freshwater Ecosystems through Aquaculture and Fisheries

Generate technologies and methodologies for studying and monitoring aquatic ecosystems through enhancing aquaculture and fisheries. Explore innovations to strengthen conservation efforts and resource management in Marine-Freshwater Ecosystems and Fisheries.

Session 4. Policy, Governance, Socio-economic Perspectives, and Educational Outreach

Advocate for evidence-based decision-making and best practices for effective dissemination of scientific findings to address pressing Marine-Freshwater Ecosystems challenges for regenerative management, and strengthening public awareness, socio-economic perspectives, and engagement in promoting conservation and sustainability initiatives to diverse stakeholders.

You may submit your abstract via email to: fimfs2024-ricxi@dorsu.edu.ph


First Call for Abstract MAY 28, 2024
Second  Call for AbstractJUNE 28,  2024
Deadline for submission of Abstract AUGUST 25, 2024
Notification of Accepted AbstractAUGUST 26, 2024



The schedule of registration fees for the 56th Annual Convention on FIMFS are shown below. This will entitle registrants the following:

  1. Admission to all sessions
  2. Conference kits (ID, e-copy of Book of Abstracts, Conference Program and Conference Souvenir)
  3. Meals (AM/PM Snacks, Lunch & Dinner for 2 days)
  4. Certificate of Recognition for presenters or Certificate of Participation for non-presenters

(August 30, 2024)
(September, 2024)
(October 22-24, 2024)
RegularPhP 4,000PhP 5,000PhP 6,000
Local StudentPhp 2,000Php 2,500Php 3,000
Foreign RegularUSD 150USD 200USD 220
Foreign StudentUSD 100USD 125USD 140
NOTE:  Students should submit a scanned copy of his/her official Student ID or certificate of school registration (PDF or JPEG format) together the payment receipt.

Individual Registration

  1. Pay the registration fee first (see information on payment options below).
  2. Convert your payment into pdf or jpeg. This will be attached to the registration form.
  3. Register using the individual registration form provided by clicking the “Individual” sub-menu above.

Group Registration (for 5 or more participants)

  1. Pay the registration fee first (choose among the payment methods below).
  2. Convert your payment receipt into pdf or jpeg. This will be attached to the group registration form.
  3. Download the group registration form provided (Group Registration Form).
  4. Fill-in the group registration form.
  5. Submit the group registration form and the payment receipt in the “Group” registration sub-menu above.

To register, click this form: https://bit.ly/56thFIMFSGeneralRegistration

Payment Options

Bank Transfer (works for both USD and PhP Payments)


Bank Account Name:DORSU – IGP
Beneficiary Bank Account No:1022-1027-17
Branch Name:LBP – Mati

Cancelation Policy

Please note that the conference has “no cancellation policy” and registration fees are non-refundable.